Information security management system – ISMS according to ISO 27001

ISMS ISO 27001: Vorteile
ISMS ISO 27001: Vorteile

The information security management system (ISMS) following ISO 27001 is a management system that focuses on the security of information in a company. Companies should implement an ISO 27001-certified Information Security Management System (ISMS) to ensure information confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

As part of the ISMS, risks and vulnerabilities are identified to implement appropriate information security controls. ISO 27001 certification allows companies to demonstrate the security of their IT systems to their customers and partners.

Table of contents:

  • What is an ISMS information security management system?
  • What are the benefits of an ISMS following ISO 27001?
  • What are the components of an information security management system?
  • ISMS – Reducing IT risks and systematically managing information security
  • How is the ISMS certified according to ISO 27001?

What is an ISMS information security management system?

An ISMS is a management system that aims to ensure information security in a company. It includes implementing measures to ensure IT security, documenting processes and guidelines, and complying with the requirements of ISO 27001 certification.

An ISMS following ISO 27001 is part of IT baseline protection and comprises the establishment and development of a system that covers the area of information security. The ISMS implementation should also help organizations meet the requirements of ISO standards such as ISO 27001 or IEC 27002 and successfully pass audits. By implementing an ISO 27001-certified ISMS, companies demonstrate their commitment to sensitive information and data security.

What are the benefits of an ISMS following ISO 27001?

From our project experience, an ISMS following ISO 27001 offers numerous advantages for companies.

  1. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information:
    • An ISMS ensures that company information is optimized and managed more securely.
    • It protects against security incidents, reputational damage, and data loss.
  2. Compliance and data protection:
    • Ensuring compliance with regulations such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the ISO 27001 standard
    • This enables companies to meet legal requirements and gain the trust of customers and business partners.
  3. Risk management:
    • An ISMS is used to identify, assess, and monitor risks.
    • It enables systematic management of information security risks.
  4. Protection against cyber attacks:
    • Data and systems are protected against cyber attacks. It is part of basic IT protection.
    • It minimizes the effects of faults and security breaches.
  5. Corporate growth and competitiveness:
    • Companies with a well-implemented ISMS and certificate are more attractive to customers.
    • It supports secure corporate growth and improves competitiveness.
  6. Trust and reputation:
    • An ISMS gains the trust of customers and business partners.
    • It protects the company’s reputation.

What are the components of an information security management system?

These are the components required to certify an information security management system (ISMS) following ISO 27001:

  1. Information security policy
    Defines the overarching objectives and framework conditions for information security in the company.
  2.  Risk management process
    Identification, assessment, and treatment of information security risks.
  3. Guidelines and procedures
    Detailed documentation of security guidelines and procedures for implementing the information security policy.
  4. Asset management
    Identification and management of all information-relevant assets.
  5. Access controls
    Measures to ensure that only authorized persons have access to information and information systems.
  6. Training and awareness-raising
    Regular training and programs to raise employee awareness of information security.
  7. Incident management
    Processes for detecting, reporting, and handling security incidents.
  8. Continuous improvement
    Regular review and improvement of the ISMS through internal assessments and management reviews.

These components are essential for establishing and operating an effective and certifiable ISMS.

Here you can find out what is involved in an information security management system (ISMS) implementation.

Additional useful components of an ISMS:

    1. Business continuity management
      Strategies and plans to maintain business operations if disruptions or security incidents occur.
    2. Supplier Management
      Security requirements and assessments for third-party providers and suppliers.
    3. Compliance management
      Ensuring compliance with all relevant legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements.
    4. Physical security
      Measures to protect physical locations and devices from unauthorized access and damage.
    5. Cryptographic measures
      Using encryption and other cryptographic methods to protect information.
    6. Technical security controls
      Using firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), antivirus software, and other technical security solutions.
    7. Document and record management
    Management and protection of information security documents and records

ISMS - Reducing IT risks and systematically managing information security

The Information Security Management System ISMS ISO 27001 is a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information and ensuring its security. By establishing an ISMS, companies can effectively identify, assess, and manage a wide IT risks range. We have listed the main IT risks that can be managed through an ISMS and added an explanation of how the system works:

The main IT risks that an ISMS can manage and the corresponding measures:

  1. Data loss and data corruption
    Implementation of backups, access controls, and encryption techniques.
  2. Unauthorized access
    Using strong authentication mechanisms, regular review of access rights, and security monitoring.
  3. Malware and cyber attacks
    Using anti-malware software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  4. Phishing and social engineering
    Awareness-raising and employee training, implementation of e-mail security protocols, and anti-phishing tools.
  5. Vulnerability management in the software
    Regular security updates, patch management, security assessments of the software, and pentesting.
  6. System failures and technical malfunctions
    Implementation of redundancy, failure protection, and disaster recovery plans.
  7. Compliance violations
    Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements through continuous monitoring and adaptation of security measures.
  8. Insider threats
    Establish clear security policies, monitor employee activities, and segregate duties.

How do ISMS components work to reduce risk?

  1. Risk assessment and management:
  • Identification of risks: By systematically analyzing and evaluating all information resources and their threats.
  • Assessment of the risks: Determining the likelihood and impact of potential security incidents.
  • Treatment of risksSelecting and implementing suitable risk mitigation, avoidance, or acceptance measures.
  1. Development of security guidelines:
  • Policies and procedures: Create detailed documentation on security policies and procedures to ensure consistent and comprehensive security practices.
  • Awareness-raising and training: Regular training and awareness-raising programs for employees to promote awareness and competence in dealing with security risks.
  1. Monitoring and assessment:
  • Continuous monitoring: Regelmäßige Überprüfung der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und -prozesse, um sicherzustellen, dass sie effektiv und aktuell sind.
  • Internal and external audits: Conduct audits to verify ISMS compliance with ISO 27001 and other relevant standards.
  1. Continuous improvement:
  • Management reviews: Regular management review of the ISMS to assess its performance and efficiency.
  • Corrective measures: Implementing improvements and corrective measures based on the results of audits, monitoring, and assessments.

An ISMS offers companies a structured and systematic method for managing their information security risks. By implementing an ISMS, companies can reduce their IT risks and ensure their information’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This leads to increased trust among customers and partners and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

How is the ISMS certified according to ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 certification of an ISMS is carried out in three steps:

  1. Internal audit
  • Preparation and planning: The company prepares internal audits by drawing up an audit plan and identifying the relevant areas and processes.
  • Implementation: Internal auditors or external consultants systematically check the ISMS for conformity with the ISO 27001 requirements. They identify vulnerabilities and potential for improvement.
  • Reporting: The results are documented, and corrective measures for identified deficiencies are planned and implemented.
  1. External audit by an authorized auditor for certification
  • Document review: An external auditor reviews the company’s ISMS documentation to ensure all required policies, procedures, and records are in place and meet the ISO 27001 standard.
  • On-site audit: The auditor visits the company to check the practical implementation of the ISMS. This includes interviews with employees, inspections of processes and systems, and a review of the corrective measures from the internal audits.
  • Certification decision: Once the on-site audit has been completed successfully, the auditor compiles a report and decides whether the company will receive ISO 27001 certification. If the outcome is successful, the certificate is issued.

In this article, we explain the costs of ISO 27001 certification as well as the process and timeline.

  1. Continuous monitoring
  • Follow-up audits: After certification, the external auditor conducts follow-up audits at regular intervals to ensure that the ISMS continues to conform and function effectively.
  • Continuous improvement: The company must continuously monitor, evaluate, and improve the ISMS. This includes regular assessments, management reviews, and taking action to address new risks and opportunities for improvement.
  • Re-certification: The company must undergo a comprehensive re-certification audit to renew the ISO 27001 certification every three years.

These steps ensure the ISMS is initially compliant, remains effective over time, and is continuously improved.

About the Author

ISMS ISO 27001: Vorteile

Can Adiguzel is the founder of 360 Digital Transformation. He is a TISAX consultant and ISO 27001 Lead Auditor. He has been working in IT project management for more than 11 years. His passion is information security for SMEs and he helps SMEs overcome their information security challenges with a hands-on consulting approach.